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Top 10 computer branch in year 2022


                        Top 10 Computer branch in year 2022



Top 10 computer branch-

In this  article there are introduction of top 10 computer branch in

which you can get big career opportunities. 

 (1) Software Engineering- In this design, develop, testing, implementation of software


(2) Web design- The pages which are show on internet is called website. And making of website is called web designing.

In this webpage development, update including


(3) Artificial Intelligence-The artificial intelligence is the latest branch of computer in which system designed according to human mind which has intelligence and take decision according to situation that is called artificial intelligence. In this neural network, robotic and speech recognition include.

(4) Database Management System DBMS-In this creating table making new database, store data, adding, update etc.


 (5) Machine learning-The machine learning is one of the branch of artificial intelligence. In this program can automatic new decision and understand new task.


(6) Multimedia-The medium which is use for the present the information. In this there are more than one way of medium of presentation of information like text, sound, video, animation and etc. multimedia. In this photo editing, video editing, and animation are included.

(7) Mobile app development- It this apps design development, and update are


(8) Networking- The networking mean linking two or more than two computers in such a way that they can share data and resource.


(9) Cloud computer- There are data software are not store on internet so nay person can use it. The main purpose of cloud computing is data and resource


(10)Hardware Engineering- In this branch of computer assembly of computer repair, software installation


Please read following article about software.


What is Software



Type of software model





Software terminology of computer



Basic term of computer



Tips of software development



Top 10 Operating system




Top 10 software companies in India 2022



Software industry designation


Top 10 software companies in India 2022


Top 10 computer hardware companies of India 2022



Engineering degree and their full form



What is difference in computer science, computer engineering and Information technology




What is different between electronic and electrical engineering




Type of keyboards




Software Engineering 1



Software Engineering 2



Software Engineering 3



 Read my article





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