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Tips of software development


Tips of software development


Tips of software development

Flow chart-If you are beginner in make software than you must make flow chart so development of new program become easy.

Pseudocode- If you are beginner in make software than you must make flow chart so development of new program become easy. 

Algorithm- If you are beginner in make software than you must make algorithm so development of new program become easy.


Version of software-when you develop a new software you should check version of software for example if you are developing new software in HTML than you must check version it.


Operating system- Always remember that software which you make is compatible for all operating system of some specific.



Online or offline-First decide the software which you are going to develop is online or offline. So you can develop your software according to requirement online or offline.



Interact with client- You must time to time interact with customers so you can understand about requirement of customers.


Feedback- take a feedback from you customers so you can understand his or her experience about your software.

If need any improvement you can easily do it.


Paper work- First Make an outline on paper about software which you are going to develop.


Fundamental- Always clear all basic fundament of programing language in which you are going to make to make software.


Feasibility- You must check a feasibility of software


Interface Design-Always make simple interface.


User friendly- Make always user friendly software.


Social media- Always join the social media group of like facebook, twitter and Instagram software development so you can get new idea and help from them.


Testing-when you develop a software you must test of software so if any you can solve before deliver to customers.


Management-When you are develop a software you must manage it.


Customizes or all-First of all clear it that software which you are going to develop is for particular person or for common like MS Office and make develop software according to that need.


Quality – Always maintain the quality of software.

Implementation-You must guide how to implementation of software.


Troubleshooting- You must tell to your customer about troubleshooting problem and how it solves.


User manual- you must give user manual to your customer so that customer can understand about basic information about software.

Please read following article about software.


What is Software



Type of software model





Software terminology of computer



Basic term of computer



Tips of software development



Top 10 Operating system




Top 10 software companies in India 2022



Software industry designation


Top 10 software companies in India 2022


Top 10 computer hardware companies of India 2022



Engineering degree and their full form



What is difference in computer science, computer engineering and Information technology




What is different between electronic and electrical engineering




Type of keyboards




Software Engineering 1



Software Engineering 2



Software Engineering 3



 Read my article





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