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What is search engine optimization


          What is Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization-The use of some particular keyword and tags for products and service so they can come on top of the searching on the search engine like google, Internet explorer. In use to increase traffic and ranking on internet.


There are two type of SEO

(1) On page SEO

(2) Off page SEO


On-page SEO-


The keywords and tags which are use in web pages for higher rank and more traffic in search engines.



(1) Keyword- The first important thing are keywords. The keywords are type in search engine like google for find particular article. The keywords are used for higher rank and more traffic in search engines.

(2) Content- It must be always original and unique it improves ranking in google.

(3)Meta Data-  The mate data which describe another data is called mate data.


 (4)URL structure- The URL or web address must be small and using key words.



(5)Site speed- The site or blogger must fast load on screen so that it increases ranking and traffic on google.


(6)H1 tag- The H1 tag mean title of website and blog so user must be use keyword in tags.



(7) Video and audio- There must be add video and audio website in blog increases ranking and traffic on google.


(8) Add Image - There must be add image website in blog increases ranking and traffic on google.



(9)Internal links- To give the link of previous article in latest article and give link of new blog in previous article.



(10) Mobile friendly- the website must be mobile friendly so that it can be easily upload on the mobile.



(11) Social media sharing button-  There must be give social media sharing button on the website and blogger so that article can share Social media like facebook, and twitter.


(12) website and blog must clean.


Off page SEO–



(1) Social media- The share website and blog in social media like facebook and twitter etc.


(2) Blogging- The blogging on other site which are same near you subject.

(3) Search Engine Submission

(4) Guest Posting- The article on other site which are same near you subject.

(5)Article Submission


(6) Comments- comments on other site with web link.

(7) Photo submission- To share the photo on the Instagram and Pinterest.

 (8) Question Answer to give the answer of subscriber question.

 (9)The comment on the article on website and blogger.



Benifis of SEO


(1) It improves the ranking and traffic on website and blogger.


(2) Time and money saving.


(3) Make article use friendly


(4) Increase business.


(5) Remove unnecessary content website and blogger.


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What is content writing



What is search engine optimization


What is Software


What is digital marketing



What is of E.commerce




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