What is Internet Service
Provider (ISP)
What is internet Service Provider
(1) Internet service provider is service provider where website are upload.
(2)After paying fee customer get online bill and user name and password.
(3)The customer who want to upload their website must
pay fee.
(4)After Pay fee customer can upload their website
self or by ISP staff.
(5)ISP upload website of any type
(6)After pay fee customer can upload their website
self or by ISP staff.
(7)The fee depand on ISP.
(8)The fee of ISP depend on size of website but some
ISP but some of ISP not depend on size of website.
(9)There are every year customer has to do renew their
website if want to continue.
(10)The ISP take some certain amout for recharge.
(11)There are some ISP take the charge on size of
website but some.
(12)The fee also can pay by online mode.
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