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What is digital marketing

               What is Digital Marketing

What is digital marketing or internet marketing or online marketing

The Basic information about digital market.

The promote of product and service on online using platform like social media, e. mail, and website is called digital marketing or internet marketing or online marketing.


 The types of the digital Marketing or internet marketing or online marketing.-


Social Media- The social media like Youtube, Facebook and Twitter is the one of the best medium for digital marketing the promoting the product and service reach millions of customer within seconds.


Search Engine Marketing-  The increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages for maximum reach of promote their products and service.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)- The use of some particular keyword and tags for products and service so they can come on top of the searching on the search engine like google, Internet explorer. In use to increase traffic and ranking on internet.

Mobile app- The almost company make mobile app in which they promote their products and service.


Pay Per Click (PPC)-In this internet marketing in advertise products and service which pay a fee on each time when any person clicks on their advertisement.


Web design-The almost company article of their products and service on internet which website and they promote their products and service.

Content Writing- The writing about products and service on website.

Email marketing- The promote of the products and service by e.mail.


Affiliated marketing-product and service weblink which is affiliate marketing when any person buy product and service you will get commission.

The benefit of digital marketing internet marketing or online marketing.


(1)  Global Reaching

(2)   On line available product and service

(3)   Time saving

(4)   Money saving

(5)   Target audience

(6)   Market Analysis

(7)   Easy

(8)   Fast grow for business

(9)   Less expensive

(10) Less space

(11) Feedback


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What is search engine optimization




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 Introduction of technical writing




What is content writing




What is search engine optimization




What is digital marketing



 What is Software


What is of E.commerce



 Read my article




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