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Type of keyboards


                        Type of keyboards


 Type of computer keyboards

(1)Desktop keyboard-


This is the most common keyboard. There is character, numbers, and special symbol, currency sign and are available on keyboard.


(2)Laptop keyboard-


This kind of keyboard are smaller than desktop keyboard and it is very easy to carry in travel.


(3)Virtual keyboard-


This kind of keyboard is like a normal keyboard but it cannot touch. It is only virtual it appears on screen along with almost keys like a normal keyboard.All keys work like a normal keyboard.


(4)Flexible keyboard

This kind of keyboard is like a normal keyboard but it can be fold or roll.


(5)Thumb size keyboard

It is smallest keyboard and almost it uses for gamming.


(6)Chicklet keyboard


This kind of keyboard is smaller than desktop keyboard.

The keys are square and with round. 


(7)Wireless keyboard


This kind of keyboard do not connect from cable to CPU. All wi-fi is given by sensors.


(8)Ergonomic keyboard

This kind of keyboard are very comfortable for user so it can lees pain.

(9)Basic  keyboard- 

This kind of keyboard has all basic keys available and it connected from wired to computer


This kind of keyboard do not connect from cable to CPU. All wi-fi is given by sensors.


(10)Backlink keyboard-

This kind of keyboard ha light in keys so user can work in easily

(11)Multimedia keyboards

It is one of the very common keyboard. There is extra function of keys like play, rewind, mute, volume stop, next and previous present on the top of the keyboard.


 Type of key


Numeric key 0 to 9

Alphabet key A to Z

Function key F1 to F12

Special symbol like % * $ etc

Miscellaneous caps, esc, shift, ctrl, tab, enter back space

Please read following article about software.




   Top 10 keyboards in world


   https://jitendertech.blogspot.com/2022/02/top-10-  keyboards.html




   Top 10 computer mouse in world





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Type of keyboards




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