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Precautions dose in india

                                   Precautions dose in india

The Precaution dose has start from today 10 January 2022. There are only Health Care Worker (HCW) Front Line Worker (HCF) and senior citizen who age above 60 years and suffer from serious disease like Heart, Kidney are allow for third dose. This precaution dose can take after completed 9 months from second dose.


How can booking Slot.


The slot can book on cowin website or app. You have entered same mobile no which you use in registration of is t and second dose of vaccine. There on spot slot are also available.




After enter mobile get opt in your mobile phone enter it in web portal.

Select your vaccine center near, book slot, date and time according to your requirement.


Which vaccine you will get.


If you take 2nd dose of Covaxine than you will get Covaxine as precaution dose and if get Covishield as 2nd dose you will get Covishield.


Please read article.

What is booster dose or precaution dose or third dose




What is meaning of Co-morbidity

A person who is suffer from more than one disease at a time like a person who is suffer from kidney and high blood pressure at a time.

There are more than 20 time of co Co-morbid disease according to Cowin portal. There is immunity is going weak in this situation


Please read article about Covid-19

What is COVID-19


 What is omicron virus



What is delmicron 



What is florona




New vaccine and pill fight from  Covid-19



Covid vaccine name list in India




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