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What is delmicron

                    What is delmicron 


What is delmicron

There is strong chance of third wave corona pandemic in all over world according to health experts even so many countries it has come. Because there two variant delta and omicron are going to active.


The delta and omicron variant is combine called Delmicron.


R factor-The rate of infection of corona is measure by R factor. R mean reproduction. When one corona infected person is infected another one person it means R value is one and two corona infected person is infected another two persons it means R value is two.


When R is less than 1 it is good sign which mean that transmission of corona is going down.


There so many countries third wave have come. So be aware from Dlmicron.




Always precaution from corona-


Follow the all given instruction for prevention from corona.


(1) Use mask cover nose and mouth when you meet any person or in public place.


(2) Wash you hand with soap and water or use alcohol-based sanitizer.

(3) Keep social distance minimum 3 feet when you meet any person.

(4) Vaccination


 What is COVID-19




What is omicron virus








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