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What is COVID-19


                            What is COVID-19


What is COVID-19

The Covid-19 full name is Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). It is virus disease. It reasons severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

This disease spread in entire world and became pandemic and known as COVID-19 pandemic.


                        The structure of corona virus

What is COVID-19

Transmission-This disease transmits from one person to another person from cough, breathe, talk and touch.



Corona virus- The name coronavirus is taken from latin language which mean crown

It is round shape virus and there are granular on its surface which look like a crown so it is called as corona virus. Their size is highly variable with average diameters of 80 to 120 nanometer. It is cover from protein layer.


  What is COVID-19


There are main symptoms given below-



(2)Trouble in breathing


(4)Body aches


(6)Pain in throat

(7)Running nose



Effect organ


(1)Neuro system




Protection corona virus-

There is some precaution which is helpful to prevent corona disease-


(1)Use mask cover nose and mouth when you meet any person or in public place.


(2)Wash you hand with soap and water or use alcohol-based sanitizer.

(3)Keep social distance minimum 3 feet when you meet any person.

(4)Avoid to go in crowd. 

There are some common terms which use in COVID-19


Quarantine- when any person contacts with such a person who infected from corona virus that person must be keeping at home and separate from another people. The person stays home for next 14 days home separate from another people. Watch fever caught shortness of breath and other symptoms of COVID-19.


Isolate- when any person found infected from corona virus then that person stay hospital. The person not permission to meet any person. That person monitors regularly by medical team. That person use separate bedroom, bathroom and don’t share clothe utensils and other person thing.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Kit-

It is special cloth which is wear by medical and paramedical team when them from protection from COVID-19. The PPE kit is disposal.


Tests- There some common test which are show about COVID-19 positive or not-


(1) Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)


(2) Transcription-mediated amplification (TMA),


(3) Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP)



Vaccine- There are so many vaccines in India and foreign for protection from COVID-19.


The two vaccine are most popular in INDIA.


(1) Covishield- this vaccine manufacture by Serum Institute of India.


(2) Covaxine-This is manufacture by Bharat Biotech and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)


Both vaccine manufacture in India.


There is two dose of each vaccine which have to take every person who age in 18 year or above it. The second dose get after 84 days from first does.


Certificate-After taking both dose you are successful vaccinated and get certificate COVID-19 Vaccinated from COWIN app or website.


Please read following article about Covid-19

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Covaxine and Covishield buy from hospital

and clinic


 What is COVID-19



What is Omicron



What is Delmicron



What is cowin



Precautions dose in india



Covid vaccine name list in India



What is booster dose or precaution dose or

third dose



New vaccine and pill fight from  Covid-19



Read my article



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