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What is omicron virus


                    What is omicron virus

There is new variant of Corona Virus searched by medical team which name is omicron or B.1.1.529


The first time it detected in South Africa. It which is very dangerous. It is mutated for of Corona Virus SARS Cov-2.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared B.1.1.529 a variant of concern (VOC).


It is very fast transmitted in other variant of corona virus.

It more dangerous delta variant of corona virus.

The B.1.1.529 has more than 50 variants.


 How to protect from Omicron Virus

(1) Mask on mouth when you in public place

(2) Hand wash regularly

(3) Social distance

(4) Vaccine

There are some basic terms which use to understand about virus.


Virus-The virus is very small organism which can see by electron microscope. The virus is genetic code of DNA or RNA or both and it is protein coated.

Virus can only replica when they enter in cell or human or animal or plats. They destroy the cell organism in which they enter

The first virus discovered in tobacco plants which name is tobacco mosaic virus it was discovered by Martinus Beijerinck in 1898.There are more than 10 000 virus species have discovered

Mutation-The mutation mean change in sequence in DNA, RNA or in both of organism.


Variant-The variant is DNA or RNA or both which has one or more than one mutation.

Lineage- It mean virus belong from same ancestor.


Nonculture-The putting the name of new organism is called nomenclature. The nomenclature of virus done by

 International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV


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