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What is electric car


                                    What is electric car



What is electric car


The e.car full form is electric car.

This car not has internal combustion engine.

It not emission of any gas like petrol or diesel car.

This car need low maintenance.

The e car use battery in which.

This can be charge by electricity or solar panel.

This charge station can be done at public or home.

It car use lithium-ion battery.



The main parts of e.car


Battery -This battery provide power to Ecar

Electric traction motor: This moter use to run electric car wheels

Charge port- This port use to charge e.car from external electric power-

Power invertor-This inverter convert DC into AC.

External AC electricity -This is AC electric supply.

Traction battery pack- Stores electricity

Thermal system- It make cooling motor and other part of car

Transmission- It give mechanical power to electric traction motor so wheels run. 


 What is electric car

Type of E Car-
Two type of E car


(1) Pure electric car-


This kind of vehicle do not have any internal combustion engine (ICE) ant not use any petrol or diesel engine. It gets total power from battery.  There are three type of it.


The battery get power from outside from wall socket of AC port

Fuel cell- It convert gas or liquid in electric power. There are so many e vehicles like Bike and car etc. There is some example of e car for example.

Tesla Roadster 3

BMW 3i

Jaguar 1-Pace





(1)Less pollution

(2)Less expensive

(3)Low maintenance

(4)No expenditure of fuel




(1)It is not good for very long distance.


(2) Plug in Hybrid vehicle-


Plug in hybrid electric vehicle- This kind of electric vehicle get both option either drive from electric battery or from fuel like petrol or diesel. The battery charge from will AC Port.



(1)Long distance travel

(2)Fast speed



It is more expensive than pure e.car


Scope of Ecar-The E vehicle has big scope.

There are world top company are investing in this ecar.

So many developed countries have start e car and e vehicle as public and personal transport. In future e.car also use artificial intelligence technique so it can be more better for than present ecar.

What is electric car



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