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Happy Basant Panchmi 2024

                                Happy Basant Panchmi

Happy Basant Panchmi-

The Basant Panchami word made of hindi language Basant mean spring and Panchmi which mean 5. This day celebrate on 5 date of Magha month of hindu calender and in spring session in India so it is called Basant Panchami.


This day is dedicated to Goddess Sarasvati Mata who is goddess of Knowledge and education. Mata is hindi word which mean mother.



This day is dedicating to worship of goddess Sarasvati Mata.

What is Basant Panchmi-



This day is dedicated to Goddess Sarasvati  who is goddess of Knowledge and education. Mata is hindi word which mean mother.


Why celebrate it-

This day celebrate for blessing from goddess Sarasvati mata for education and knowledge.


How celebrate it-

This day people wear yellow cloth, they offer yellow flower and sweet to goddess Sarasvati mata and take blessing for knowledge and education. This festival is the most popular among students. There are so many culture program organize in school.


Sarasvati Mata- highest altitude temple-


The highest altitude temple of goddess Sarasvati situated in Chamoli district. It altitude is 3,133 meters from sea level. There is Sarasvati river near this temple.

The highest altitude temple of goddess Sarasvati Ji.


Shri Sarasvati Temple

Mana Village

Badrinath Dham





The playlist given below.  

Shri Sarasvati Mata Temple



Sarasvati river




char dham yatra playlist



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