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Programming language their field 2024

 Programming language their field 2024

Programming language their field 2024-

If you want to became Web Developer, Game Developer, Data Analysis, Desktop Developer, Embedded System program, or Mobile App developer  etc.

There are name of programming skill are given below in which you can became expert and get your dream job.


These fields are highly paid jobs and require in all over world.


The main features of these programming languages.


(1) High demand jobs.

(2) No high investment

(3) Easy to learn

(4) High scope

(5) Work from home.


Web Developer –

PHP, Java , Python, Ruby, C#, JS


Game Developer-

C, Java, C++, Python JS, Ruby


Data Analysis-

R, Matlab, Java, Python


Desktop Developer-

Java, C++, C#


Embedded System program-

C, Python, C++


Mobile App-

Kotlin, Darf, Objective-C, Swift, Python, Java


Conclusion- These programming language are high paid and require in all over the world. you can choose your field become expert in it. 

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