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What is memory unit

 The Introduction of Memory Unit

What is memory unit

Data-The fact and figure about particular task is called about data.


The data may be combination of alphabets, number, symbol and special character.


Type of data-







The data format in which data save in computer, mobile and other device are depending on their software.



Text- The data save in MS office word .doc and in Excel .xls

Audio- The data save in audio form in window media player .mp3

Video- The data save in video form in window media player .mp4

Photo- The data save in paint.jpg



Information- The is processed organized and structured data.


Bit-The binary digit which is represented in 0 and 1 form.


Nibble-The group of 4 bits is called nibble.


Byte-The group of 8 bits is called byte.



Kilobyte       KB       10001

Megabyte     MB      10002

Gigabyte       GB      10003

Terabyte       TB       10004

Petabyte        PB      10005

Exa byte        EB      10006

Zetta byte     ZB       10007

Yotta byte     YB      10008



Kilo- means 1000

Mega- means 1000000

Giga- means 1000000000

Tera- means 1000000000000

Peta- means 1000000000000000

Exa- means 1000000000000000000

Zetta- means 1000000000000000000000

Yotta- means 1000000000000000000000000


American Standard Code for Information Interchange(ASCII)-


ASCII code represents 128 characters in 0 and 1 form. It starts from 0 to 7 total 8 digits. The codes are number alphabets special character and symbol. For example






The advantages of memory unit-


(1)Software size-The memory unit tell how many size of software for example- 1MB or 1GB etc.


(2)Speed of computer- The speed of Random Access Memory(RAM) is depends on size of RAM.


(3)The size of RAM is deciding on memory unit for example MB or GB. The higher size of RAM is faster speed. When RAM Size is increase speed of computer is also increase.


(4)Internet speed- The internet speed is count on base of the memory unit for example Byte Per Second(BPS), Mega Byte Per Second (MBPS).


(5)Performance-The Memory speed help to know the performance of computer.


(6)Storage device-The storage device is also see their capacity on base of their memory unit for example CD 700MB, DVD 4 GB Hard disk 1TB etc.


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