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What is aquarium


What is Aquarium

 What is aquarium

A place where sea animal lives in human made environment is aquarium. It is round or cubic shape pot big room which transparent side in which aquatic plants and animals are kept and displayed.



The aquarium word was given by Philip Henry Gosse. Which mean   aqua mean place and atrium mean place.


There are so many animals in aquarium like fish amphibian and reptile. The so many people put their home or office aquarium as shop pieces.

Design of Aquarium- 


There are so many small stones, aquatic plants and aquatic animals in aquarium. It like small model of river or sea eco system. The aquarium provides natural environment so aquatic animals and plants so they can easily survive.


There are so many accessories use for aquarium includes a light, filtration pump, and a heater or chiller depending on the aquarium's inhabitants. These helps clean aquarium.


People place aquarium at their home as show pieces while government make giant aquarium for tourism attraction.


Classification of aquarium-

There are so many types of aquarium


(1) Base on water- Three types of aquarium-

(1)Fresh water- This type of aquarium is use fresh water for example some people place such a aquarium in their home.


(2)Marin water- This type of aquarium use marine water this type of aquarium is very big there so many type aquatic animal in this aquarium.


The world biggest aquarium in Baltimore Maryland America.

(3) Brackish water aquarium- his type of aquarium        has combine water fresh and marine water.


Based on temperature-Two types

(1)Tropical aquarium-

The tropical fish tend to be more colorful.

(2)Coldwater aquarium--The fish from temperate areas worldwide


The biggest Aquarium of world is situated in Baltimore Maryland USA.


How to maintain aquarium-


(1)Time to time change water of aquarium.

(2)Feed aquatic animals.

(3)Always clean aquarium.




(1)It uses for study and research of sea animal.

(2)It uses as tourism attrition.

(3)It uses as hobby

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