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World Malaria Day 2023

                  World Malaria Day 2023





World Malaria Day 2023


Today 25 April is World Malaria Day. This day is declared by United nation.


Every year there are millions of persons are suffering from malaria. The malaria is cause of Plasmodium parasite bacteria. Which live in female Anopheles mosquitoes. When mosquitos bite it enter in human body and infect human from malaria.


There are only female anopheles can infect male female anopheles cannot infect because mouth part of female anopheles can penetrate human skin male anopheles cannot do it. The plasmodium almost time stay in human liver and propagate.


World Malaria Day 2023 Them


  Time to deliver zero malaria: invest, innovate, implement

The main species plasmodium of malaria-


(1)Plasmodium falciparum

(2)Plasmodium vivax 

(3)Plasmodium ovale

(4)Plasmodium malariae 


There are Plasmodium falciparum is the most infected compare to other Plasmodium of species.


Stage of malaria

There are three main stage of malaria of transmitted disease in human body


(1)Pre erythrocytic


(4)Post erythrocytic


Symptoms of malaria-

Fever tiredness headaches, vomiting, body aches. fever, tiredness, vomiting, and headaches.


Affected organ from malaria









(1)There are several medium which can save from Malaria.

(2)Mosquito repellents. 

(3)Use of mosquito nets.  

(4)Never collect dirty rain water.

(5)Spraying insecticides and draining standing water.

(6)Preventing mosquito bites through.




There are most popular of malaria test is microscopic examination of human blood.










Note-Before taking any medicine place consult from doctor.



There is malaria vaccine RTS, S/AS01 (RTS, S). This vaccine has approved by Europe regulator.


This vaccine is under pilot project in South African countries Ghana, Kenya and Malawi.

There are more than 106 countries is highly effected from malaria. These countries of Asia, Latin America and South Africa.


 The African countries are most effected from malaria.


   Malaria in Birds-

   The researchers found there are some species

   of malaria infected birds.



Dr. Ronal rose


Sir Ronald Ross was a British doctor who born in Almora district Uttaranchal India. He invention how malaria spread in human. Due to this extraordinary work he won Nobel prize in year 1902.


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