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What is laptop, notebook, ultrabook, chromebook, MacBook, tablet, palmtop, iPad, iPod

What is laptop, notebook, ultrabook, chromebook, MacBook, tablet, palmtop, iPad, iPod


What is laptop, notebook, ultrabook, chromebook, MacBook, tablet, palmtop, iPad, iPod


Laptop- The laptop is portable computer. There is some common laptop like Apple, Sony, Samsung any HP etc.


Notebook- The notebook is thinner and lighter than laptop. While all functions are same like laptop.


Ultrabook- The ultra-book same as notebook. But it is the compact and thinner than laptop


ChromebooksIt is laptop which use chrome operating system use in Chromebook.


Palmtop-  it is very small computer which size are so small that it can put on palm.


MacBook- It is Apple laptop which made by Apple company. There are Mac operating system use in Apple laptop.


 Tablets- The table is same as laptop but is size is small than laptop. There is touch screen keyboard is available. There are some common tablets like Apple, Sony, Google and Samsung etc.


iPad- It is apple table. There is iOS use in this


iPod- It is the mini version of the iPad.


Tips for buying new computer and laptop.

(1) Always buy new computer of branded company.


(2) First you must decide that how many amount you have for buying computer. So you can easily decide computer according to your amount.


(3) Check which operating system, software, Antivirus and its version install in computer.




(4) Compare price of computers of different companies and models from different shops. So you can get best computer in minimum price.




Tips for buying new computer and laptop



Top 10 Laptop in world




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