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What is different between warranty and guarantee


What is different between warranty and guarantee


warranty and guarantee

There are warranties and guarantees both are very same word but there are big different. 



When a customer buys any product from shopkeeper and if problem create in that product under warranties period shopkeeper repair free of cost that product and return to customer. It is called warranty.

The warranty will provide certain time period which is between 6 to 12 months.


For example, you buy new mobile phone if any problem creates in that mobile phone you give it to shopkeeper and it repair and return you but that product must be under warranty period.



When a customer buys any product from shopkeeper and create any problem in that product under guarantee period shopkeeper repair or replace that product with new product or refund amount to you but that product must be under guarantee period. It is called guarantee.


For example, you buy new mobile phone if any problem creates in that mobile you give it to shopkeeper and shopkeeper repair or replace that product with new product or refund amount which you but that product must be under guarantee   period.  



warranty and guarantee

(1) There is product is only repair in warranty

But in product is only repair, replace or refund in guarantee.


(2) There is no any refund in warranty but is guarantee can possible if product is not repair and replace


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