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What is herbarium


                        What is herbarium



What is herbarium                   

Herbarium is like a museum of collection of preserved plants and their specimens like root, leaf, flower, branch which is use for study.


There is data of every specimen and organ like taxonomical like family, species, genius which is use for study.



How to prepare of plant specimen


The step by step process given below


(1) Collection of specimens

(2) Drying

(3) Mounting on herbarium sheet

(4) Preservation

(5) Labelling

(6) Proper storage


The herbarium sheet size in 41*29 cm


There is basic detail write on herbarium sheet of every specimen


Labeling of herbarium sheet-There are following detail are mention on herbarium sheet.

Botanicals name





Date of collection

Name of collector



Type of Herbarium-There are different category of herbarium.


Base of species-in this only particular category of herbarium on base of their species like when collection of preserve fungi is called fungarium



Purpose- In this only herbarium is base of purpose for example if collection of medicinal plants of herbarium


Hortorium only collection of plants which are associated with horticulture.


Area- It is collection of regional plants specimen so it is called Regional herbarium



Application-There are following application of herbarium.



Biometric data



taxonomical researches.


Flora and fauna

Evolution of plants

Plants Paleontology

Anatomy and physiology study


The biggest herbarium in India


Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden 

Col Howrah, India


The biggest herbarium in world

World Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom


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