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What is generation of computer


What is generation of computer


what is generation of computer

First generation-

Year 1940-1956

Technology based-vacuum tube

Vacuum tube – It is vacuum tube which flow of electron on screen.

 Speed 1 millisecond

Memory drum Magnetic drum

Language- Machine codes

Very expensive vary large

High quantity heat produce

 Example-UNIVAC-1, ENIAC IBM-701


 Second generation-

Year 1957-1963

Technology based-Transistor and diode

Transistor – It is an electronic component which amplifier electron

 Memory capacity- 4000 to 64000 capacity

Speed 1 microsecond

Memory drum- Magnetic core, Magnetic Disk

Language-Assembly and High level language

Less expensive than first generation computer

Less quantity heat produces first generation computer

Example-UNIVAC-1004, IBM-1401


Third generation-

Year 1964-1971

Technology based-Integrated circuit

Integrated circuit (IC) –It is small electronic circuit which made on silicon.

Memory capacity-32000 to 3 million charter  

Speed- nanosecond

Memory- Magnetic tap

Language- High level language, FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC

Less expensive second generation

Less quantity heat produces second generation

 Example- UNIVAC-1100, IBM-360      and PDP-8



Fourth generation-


Technology Based-Very Large Integrated circuit (VLIC)

Microprocessor – It is small integrated circuit

Memory capacity-51200 to 32 million  

Speed- piko second

Memory-Floppy, hard disk

Language-C, C++, Perl, Java, Prolog, LISP

Less expensive third   generation

Less quantity heat produces third generation

Example-Laptop, Tablets, smart phone, robot


Fifth Generation-


Technology Based-Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence is the latest branch of computer in which system designed according to human mind which has intelligence and take decision according to situation that is called artificial intelligence.

This type of computer very high speed large memory data save It can understand human like language. It takes very less energy than fourth generation computer.

For example-Super computer

Six Generation-


Technology based- Quantum based

In ordinary computer use o and I it is known bits binary signal. It converts every data in binary and save it.

but Quantum computer used computer quantum 1 or 0 which called qubits so in that case it become very fast

This type of computer very high speed large memory data save than fifth generation computer.

Quantum word take from physics which mean packet of energy

For example- Microsoft Cortana, Apple Siri

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