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What is Robot


What is Robot

What is Robot in computer

What is definition of Robot

What is definition of Robot Technology

What is definition of Robot Framework

What is Robot in Artificial Intelligence


 What is Robot

What is Robot in computer

What is definition of Robot

What is definition of Robot Technology

What is definition of Robot Framework

What is Robot in Artificial Intelligence

Table of Content


What is robot

The main components of robots

Type of robot




What is Robot


There is basic level information given in this article that What is Robot. The Robot is like  electromechanical machine who help human in complete their perform tasks automatically.

The robot can be single task or multi task. There are different type of Robots in shape and size and application manufacture.


The main components of robots

Sensors- There are many sensors which use to gather information about their environment. These sensors like cameras, infrared sensors, proximity sensors, accelerometers, and many others.


Actuators- Actuators are mechanisms it help robots to move and manipulate objects. The actuators are motors, servos, pneumatic cylinders, and hydraulic systems etc.

Actuators translate electrical signals into physical motion, so robot perform tasks such as picking up objects, moving limbs, or walking space.


 Control Systems- Control systems is like brains of a robot, it send command for reaction sensory information, making decisions, and sending commands to actuators.


End Effectors- These tools attachments the end of a robot's manipulator, These used to interact with the environment like grippers, vacuum suction cups, welding torches, and cutting tools etc.


The choice of end effectors depends on the specific task the robot is designed to perform.


Programming- There are many type of the programming language for perform purpose and task and take decision making


Type of robot-


Robots come in various types, each designed for specific tasks and environments. Here are some common types of robots:


(1) Industrial Robots- This kind of Robot use in Industry like

Automobile plants, electronics manufacturing facilities and other industrial environments. It helps in assembly, welding, painting and packing etc.


(2) Medical Robots- This kind of Robot use in Medical. It use diagnostics, surgery and minimally invasive with accuracy.


(3) Agricultural Robots - This kind of Robot use Agricultural.  This kind of robot planting, harvesting, weeding, and monitoring crops. The Robot help reduce labor costs increase efficiency, and optimize resource usage in agricultural operations.


(4) Domestic Robots These robots are used in homes to perform tasks such as vacuuming, mopping, lawn mowing, and entertainment.

(5) Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)-This kind of Robots are    use logistics, warehouses, distribution centers, and other  material transport, inventory management, etc.


(6) Research Robots- This kind of Robot use in use extreme environments, space, space rovers, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are use used for scientific research, exploration, and environmental monitoring.

(7) Humanoid- This kind of Robot is like a shape and size like it can talk and recognize human and help of human in every fields.


Robotics- The branch of computer science in which study of designing and manufacturing of robot is called Robotics.

In present Artificial Intelligence technique use in Robot.



Advantage of Robots


(1) Fast

(2) Accuracy

(3) Speed

(4) Time saving

(5) Money saving


Disadvantage of robot-


(1) Expensive

(2) Maintenance




(1) Robots are used in a many fields  industries and applications, healthcare, agriculture, logistics, transportation, manufacturing, space and exploration.


(2) The Robot use to perform task dangerous or hazardous operations,

(3) Robot help to humans in complex tasks,

(4) Robot use environments that are inaccessible to humans.

(5) The Robot are more accurate than human.


The robot is one of the automatic machines which help human in complete their task. It not only save time but money also.

The use of robot is going increase day by day in human life.

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