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Top 10 laptop in world 2024

 Top 10 laptop in world 2024


Table of contents


(1) Tips of buying new desktop or laptop.

(2) Top10 desktop and laptop, manufacture companies in world.



Tips of buying new desktop or laptop.



(1) Always buy new desktop and laptop of branded company.


(2) Always ask three main questions from yourself-



(1) How many amount you have for buying desktop and laptop.

(2) What purpose of buying new desktop or laptop for example education, job and business etc.

(3) Where you buy online or from dealer shop.


So you can easily decide desktop or laptop according to your requirement. 





(3) Check about guarantee and warranty of computer.


Guarantee- It is formal assurance that what product is give you is original.


Warranty–It formal assurance that product will be repair or replace with certain time period.


(4) Always keep address, phone no and e.mail of service center which is nearest from your home or office.


(5) Ask from dealer How many free services provided by company.


(6) Ask from dealer where service provide customer home or service center.


(7) If you buy new computer from him often dealer give some free accessories for example mouse speaker, antivirus, head phone, free laptop bag to their customer. etc.


(8) Compare price of computers of different companies and models from different shops. So you can get best computer in minimum price.


(9) Avoid old and used computer.


(10) Always buy in festival season like Diwali, new year etc so company give some gift to their customer like keyboard and speaker etc. 


(11) Check on bill your name, date of buying bill number, model of computer, price, and tax etc.



Top10 desktop and laptop, manufacture companies in world.


There are top 10 desktop and laptop manufacture companies of world are given below. These companies also manufacture ultra book, and computer accessories.


(1) Apple

(2) HP

(3) Dell


(4) Asus

(5) Samsung

(6) Acer


(7) Microsoft

(8) Google

(9) Lenovo



Desktop and laptop which is better








Conclusion- There are tips for buying new desktop and laptop explain this article and name of top 10 desktop and laptop, manufacture companies in world.


So you can easily decide desktop or laptop according to your requirement. 





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