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Type of computers 2024


                       Type of computers


Type of computer


There are five type of different category of computer-

(1) Size

(2) Application

(3) Functionality

(4) Technology

(5) Purpose



(1) Size- There are four type of computers



(1) This is also known as personal computer.

This kind of computer is single chip. It is design for personal use. for example, PC, laptop, notebook, tablet, smart phone.


(2) Mini-This kind of computer is advance from microcomputer. There are 6 to 300 people can work at a time. For example, PDP 11 or Data General Eclipse.  


(3) Mainframe- This computer is more advance from minicomputer. The speed of the mainframe computer is faster from minicomputer.

This mainframe computer is use in bank and corporate. For example, IBM Unisys


(4) Super Computer- The Super Computer mean if a computer can calculation 10000 00000 per second that computer called super computer. The speed of super computer measure in Floating Point Operation Per Second(FLOPS). For example, but some super computer uses SCS, Bullx, Centos, SUSE and Cray as operating system. The super computer is use for Scientific calculation, space research, nuclear physics and aeronautic Engineering etc


Article about super computer


What is Super Computer 





(2) Application- There are four type of computers


(1) Public-This kind of computer are use in Railway station, Airport for enquiry, ATM machine, and School for study where any person can use it.


(2) Personal- This kind of computer is use for personal and office work.

(3) Shared- This kind of computer can use by two or more than two persons at a time. Almost it use in office.


(4) Display- This kind of computer are use in trade fair where trader show their products and service.


(3) Functionality- There are three type of computers.


(1) Server-There is main computer which hardware and software very advance feature. All other personal computer is connecting from it. All data and resource like printer and scanner are connect from computer. There are so many servers like Database server, File server and Web server



(2) Work station- This kind of computer is advance than personal computer. It has dual-processor motherboards, memory and graphics cards. It is use for very advance work like designing and calculation.


(4) Embedded computer-


This is very common computer. It is microcontroller base technology. It is use for specific purpose and

It is cheaper than personal computer.


(4) Technology- There are three type of computers.


(1) Analog-The analog computer are work on continue use value. Like watch

(2) Digital- The digital computer work on bit 0 and 1 and give result on digit form.

(3) Hybrid- There are both feature analog and digital available in hybrid computer.


(5) Purpose- There are two type of computers


(1) General- This kind of computer are use for

(2) Specific- It is use for specific task like education , scientific etc.



The speed of Personal Computer measure in Million Instruction Per Second (MIPS).


Please read following article about software.

What is Software




 Read my article





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