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World Diabetes Day 2023

 World Diabetes Day

Table of Content-

International Diabetes day

What is Diabetes

Theme of Diabetes year 2023

Symbol of Diabetes

Type of Diabetes

What is Insulin

Reason of Diabetes

Test of diabetes



International Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day

Today is World Diabetes Day. This day declared by International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and World Health Organization.

This day aware in people about diabetes.


What is Diabetes


It is Metabolic disorder by high blood sugar.

The diabetes is also known as diabetes mellitus.

When level of sugar has become access in blood from certain limit that is called Diabetes.


Theme of Diabetes year 2023


Access to Diabetes Care.


Symbol of Diabetes-

Type of Diabetes-

There are two types of diabetes.


(1)Type A-The Body does not produce insulin hormone. It occurs due to genetic reasons

(2)Type B-The human body produce insulin but it cannot use properly.

(3)Gestational Diabetes-This diabetes produces during pregnancy.


What is Insulin- It hormone which produced by beta cells of pancreatic islets of human.


The Pancreases is part of human digestive system.

The Pancreases is endocrine gland which secretion of Insulin hormone.

The endocrine gland which mean it. It secretes hormone directly mix with blood.


Reason of Diabetes-


(1)Access eating of sweet

(2) High Blood Pressure

(2)No physical work

(3)Eating junk food



(6)Access eating of carbohydrate


Symptoms of Diabetes-



(2)Frequently Urination

(3)Increase thirst

(4)Increase hunger

(5)Low Eye Sight



(8)Loss of weight


Test of diabetes-


There are two type of test

(1)Home- This is very easy test. It done by Glucometer. 

Glucometer-This is palm shape device. It uses to check sugar level in blood.


(2)Pathology lab- The blood and urine sample take by pathologist and test it.



(1)Always avoid access eating of sugar

(2)Every day Eating green vegetable.

(3)Every day Eating fruits

(4)Always morning walk

(5)Avoid eating junk food

(6)Avoid cold drink

(7)Always yoga and exercise

(8)Avoid Alcohol

(9)Time to time Diabetes test




It does not matter what is you sex, age, student or profession, urben or rural the diabetes can be occur in any person in any age. The number of diabetes person is going to increase day by day.

The diabetes is global epidemic disease. The million people entire world Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica and Africa are suffering from diabetes.

So always aware about health.

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