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Chandrayaan 3

                                         Chandrayaan 3 

Chandrayaan 3 


India will launch Chandrayaan 3 today.

The Chandrayaan is Hindi word which made by two word Chandra mean moon and yann mean craft.


The Chandrayaan 3 has consists three modules.

(1) Propulsion-This is box like structure which one solar panel and large cylinder. This will carry Lander and rover. 

(2) Lander This is like box shape structure which has four landing lags. The name of the lander is Vikram. It has four legs and four thrust engines. It is responsible for soft landing on moon. 



(3) RoverRover-The name of rover is Pragyan. It is robot and it cart like which has 6 wheels. It walk on the moon surface for research, collect data from moon surface.



The Chandrayaan 3 has manufacture by Indian Space Research Organization India.


The Chandrayaan-3 will launch by Launch Vehicle Mark-III or LVM3 Rocket. The Rocket rocket  used CE-20 Cryogenic engine and it launch from Sriharikota.


Purpose- The purpose of ISRO to launch this Chandrayaan 3

(1) Research and analysis on moon and their soil, water and chemical.

(2) Observation on moon 


Summary of Chandrayaan-3


Name of craft         Chandrayaan-3

Weight of                Chandrayaan 3800 Kg

Date of Launch       23 July 2023 time 14:35 IST

Rocket                     Launch Vehicle Mark-III or LVM3

Manufacture by      Indian Space Research Organization India

Launch site             Satish Dhawan Space Centre Sriharikota


Purpose                   Research about moon    


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