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How many type of Covid-19 medicine in India


How many type of Covid-19 medicine in India


How many type of Covid-19 medicine in India.

There are three type of medicine of covid-19 in India.


Vaccine-There are more than 8 type of vaccine approve in India. There is some very popular vaccine in India like Covishield manufacture by Serum Institute of India, Covaxine made by manufacture Bharat Biotech and manufacture Sputnik V Dr Raddy laboratory and Gamaleya Russia.


There many vaccines allow in India please read this article about it.



Pill- There name of this pill is Molnupiravir pill. It is table which is useful in to prevent Covid-19 pandemic. There many pharma companies manufacture it in India


Nasal drop-This is nasal drop. There is no need to take it like vaccine. The name of drop is BBV152. It manufactures by Bharat Biotech.

It can use directly spry in nose. It is first time in Covid-19 Pandemic that a nasal drop introduces. It is very easy to take.



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