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Introduction of super computer

Introduction of Super Computer

what is Super Computer.


Super Computer- The Super Computer mean if a computer can calculation 10000 00000 per second that computer called super computer.


The speed of super computer measure in Floating Point Operation Per Second(FLOPS) .


The speed of Personal Computer measure in Million Instruction Per Second (MIPS).


Almost super computer use Linux operation system.

But some super computer use SCS, Bullx, Centos, SUSE and Cray as operating system.


The two main type of supercomputers

(1)General purpose supercomputers

(2)Special purpose supercomputers


(1)General Purpose Supercomputers-It is three type of super computer

(1)Vector Processing Supercomputers-This type of supercomputer can process more than on data at a time.

(2)Tightly connected cluster computers- This type of supercomputer works more than one computer work together

(3)Commodity computers-This type of computers connects with high bandwidth and low latency with local area network.


(2)Special purpose computer-this type of computer are use in special purpose like space, nuclear weather forecasting, and aeronautics research



(1)When any task allotted to Personal Computer it breaks task in many tasks and process the all task in sequence one by one and after process the work it execute.This is called Serial Processing.

(2)When a task allotted to super computer it break in many tasks.

(3)In super computer there are more than one processors so all tasks are distributed to every processor.

(4)After completed process all task are add in sequence and execute it.

(5)This is called Parallel Processing.

(6) It is reason that parallel processing is faster than serial processing.

(7)The PARAM is the first super computer of India.

(8)It is made by CDAC Puna

(9)The price of super computer in carore.



(1)Security- The supercomputer provides the best security so data are always secure.

(2)Speed- The speed of supercomputer is fastest so it saves time

(3)Scientific- It is best computer for scientific calculation like space, nuclear weather forecasting, and aeronautics research

(4)Money Saving-It is money saving because it single can work more than thousands of computers.



(1)Expensive-It is very expansive. It is starting price of supercomputer in million.

(2)power consumption - It high power consumption.

(3)Size-It is very big size.

 Application of Super Computer-

 (1)Scientific calculation

(2)Space research

(3)Genetic research

(4)Nuclear Physics.

(5)Aeroplane manufacture

(6)Weather for casting.

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